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What is IP65 Rating?

We should not be unfamiliar with the term “IP65”. It is often mentioned in many cell phones, watches, LED displays and other electronic devices that have a certain degree of waterproof capability. But do you really know the meaning behind “IP65”? Let’s take a closer look.

What is IP65 rating?

The IP65 rating is actually a standard for the level of protection of electrical equipment enclosures, drafted by the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission). The main purpose is to assess the ability of electronic equipment to withstand dust and water. IP65 stands for a high degree of protection against dust and water jets from different directions.


What do the two digits in the IP65 rating mean?

When you notice that the protection rating is made up of two numbers, you may be curious about what they represent, so let’s break it down one by one.

The 1st digit: solid protection

The first digit in the IP rating indicates how well an electronic device is protected against common solids such as dust, fingers, and large screws. The number “6” represents the highest level of protection against objects, meaning that it is completely protected from dust. See the table below for solid protection.

0Not protected
1Protection from objects>50mm (like a hand)
2Protection from objects >12mm (like a finger)
3Protection from objects >2.5mm (like a cable)
4Protection from objects >1.0mm (like a nail or wire)
5Dust protected
6Dust tight

The 2nd digit: Liquid protection

The first digit of the IP rating indicates the protection of the electronic device against liquids. The number “5” means that it is protected against water sprayed from different directions. It’s important to note that because of the variety of ways in which liquids can enter a device, there is a more subtle distinction in the numbers. See the table on liquid protection below.

0Not protected
1Protection from vertically dripping water
2Protection from dripping water when tilted up to 15°
3Protection from spraying water up to 60°from its normal position
4Protection from splashing water fromany direction
5Protection from water jets from any direction
6Water-resistant against powerful jets
7Protection from immersion (up to 1M)for a limited time
8Protection from continuous submersion (beyond 1M)
9Protection fromclose-range high-pressure water jets

The 3rd digit: additional letters

Sometimes we may see additional letters in the IPXX code. This is to further indicate that the product has additional protection, which we can check in the table below.

LevelEffective against
C2.5mm diameter tool
D1mm diameter wire
FOil resistant
HHigh voltage apparatus
MMotion during water test
SStationary during water test
WWeather conditions

IP65 vs IP68: Which is better?

On the face of it, IP68 is higher than IP65, so it stands to reason that IP68 is better. IP68 is often described as the “highest waterproof rating” in many product literature. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as the “highest” level of liquid protection.

Levels of protection for liquids

The IP protection standard dates back to the 1970s. At that time, only the waterproof capability of the equipment was required, but there was no detailed distinction between the types. It was not until the second edition was revised in 1999 that a detailed distinction was made between liquid protection, and then the enclosure protection level standard was added on this basis. In this way, liquid protection was divided into 3 categories:

Drip/Spray Test: the protection of the item against dripping or spraying water jets, from number 1 to number 6. the higher the number, the higher the protection against dripping/spraying liquids.

Immersion Test: The ability of an item to protect itself when immersed in water, from 7 to 8. The higher the number, the longer the item can be immersed in water without being affected.

High Temperature/High Pressure Jet: Protection when the item is subjected to high temperature/high pressure jets, with a single number 9. Since it is only used for industrial equipment, we don’t usually see it.


As we can see from the above categorization of liquid protection levels, IP65 and IP68 do not belong to the same level, and the two cannot be compared together. Therefore, when an item is rated IP65, it may not necessarily be rated IP68; similarly, when an item is rated IP68, it may not necessarily be rated IP65.

Can IP65 and IP68 co-exist?

As IP65 and IP68 are rated separately, they can co-exist. If an outdoor LED display has been tested for both IP65 and IP68, then we will identify products that meet both ratings with a “/” separator. For example: An outdoor LED display has been tested to IP65/68 waterproof standards.

Water-resistant: IP65/68
Water-resistant: IP65/68

Where are IP65 rated devices used?

As the IP65 rating is a common standard within the industry and represents the protection capability of the item, there are many scenarios where it will be used, the following are some of the common application scenarios:

Outdoor information signage

Outdoor information signage is one of the most common application scenarios, they are placed outdoors for long periods of time, and if they do not have a certain level of waterproofing ability, it is easy for the screen to be damaged due to rain erosion.

Storage environment

Storage of goods, food and other environments, usually requires the ability to completely isolate the water and air, so as to avoid oxidation of goods or food spoilage.

Electronic Devices

Electronic devices such as computers, cell phones, watches, etc. with IP65 protection can be completely protected from damage caused by accidental spills in daily life.

Logistics and Transportation

Nowadays, many logistics vehicles are equipped with high-precision radar and intelligent computers to realize the functions of route planning and intelligent driving. These precision instruments are extremely sensitive to the environment and therefore require strong protection to ensure their perfect operation.

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